Alteryx Spatial Tools

Spatial analysis enables companies to combine geographic and descriptive data from a variety of sources and use that data to drive geographic models and visualizations. Spatial analysis involves examining the relationships between geographical data points to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations. It allows analysts to answer questions such as proximity analysis, spatial clustering, and spatial autocorrelation.

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Create Points

The Create Points tool in Alteryx allows users to generate spatial points based on latitude and longitude coordinates or other location attributes. It's a fundamental tool for converting non-spatial data into spatial data, enabling further analysis and visualization.

Alteryxアイコン200連発】バッファツール(Buffer Tool) | KCME TechBlog


The Buffer tool creates buffer zones around spatial features such as points, lines, or polygons. These buffer zones represent areas of influence or proximity, making it useful for tasks like determining service areas, analyzing spatial relationships, and conducting proximity analysis.

Alteryx Spatial Tools: Find Nearest vs Spatial Match - The Data School Down  Under

Spatial Process

The Spatial Process tool in Alteryx performs various spatial operations, including spatial joins, intersections, unions, and overlays. It allows users to combine, compare, and manipulate spatial datasets to derive meaningful insights. Whether it's overlaying demographic data with geographical boundaries or conducting spatial aggregation, this tool facilitates complex spatial analysis tasks efficiently.

Poly Build

Poly Build is a tool designed for constructing polygons from input coordinates or geometries. It's particularly useful for creating custom boundaries, defining regions of interest, or aggregating point data into polygonal areas. With Poly Build, you can easily generate polygons based on specified criteria, enabling advanced spatial analysis and visualization.

Trade Area

The Trade Area tool in Alteryx calculates trade areas or catchment areas around given locations, considering factors such as distance, time, or accessibility. It helps businesses understand their market reach, identify potential customers, and optimize resource allocation. Whether it's defining retail territories or analyzing service coverage, this tool provides valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

Poly Split

Poly Split divides polygons into smaller segments based on specified criteria, such as intersecting lines or predefined boundaries. It's commonly used for partitioning geographical areas, delineating administrative boundaries, or segmenting territories. By breaking down complex polygons into manageable units, Poly Split simplifies spatial analysis tasks and enhances data interpretation.

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