For day 3 of dashboard week, we were tasked with using an NBA API and making a dashboard from the data we gather from it.
My first approach was to understand the API documentation. Once I understood what I can call such as player names, stats, teams, games, etc then I wanted to some sort of stats comparison. I had the idea of wanting to do a teams comparison so I found that the Lakers and Celtics have a big rivalry, which was quite prominent in the 80's. So I wanted to do a team stats comparison between the two but when building out the workflow, I had found out that I wasn't getting data I was expecting; Lakers didn't play the Celtics at all.
This was the workflow for finding the ID's for just the Lakers and Celtics. Using that ID, and another query parameter for a particular year and season I would be able to find games for either one of them in the 1980's. However, what I discovered was that both teams didn't show up at the same time (i.e. Lakers as the home team, and Celtics as the visitor and vice versa). This may be a case of the data not being up to date so I decided to focus on a different topic; the top NBA point guards of all time at their best season. Some of the best were very old according to some quick googling. Same issue again with this, there didn't seem to be data for the old players. Once again, I decided to just de-scope to comparing Stephen Curry and Loka Doncic who are supposedly the top 2 point guards as of right now in the 2022 season.
This was the general workflow for collecting stats for both of them in 2022. Initially had to manual searching to find their ID's but once I had them I simply changed the API all for their specific ID's and unioned the data so I had a collective dataset of their stats in the 2022 season.
Since I spent a lot of time trying to collect data that wasn't coming through and got this data quite late, I decided to just make the dashboard very simple which allowed to the user to change the stat/measure they want to compare. You can find the dashboard here :)