E is for Empty

Dashboard Week

Dashboard Week can be described as five consecutive days of applying to The Data School.  Each day Data Schoolers are given a dataset with explicit directions, a few hours to prepare the data (as needed), sketch the dashboard design, create vizzies and dashboard, and present. Sometimes additional lectures are provided. Crying and gnashing of the teeth are optional.

DSNY1’s Day 5 Challenge - Combine two data sets from a “Boy Band” database  Join the data sets.. Create a dashboard in Tableau Prep or Power BI to share “Boy Band” information.

My goal for the day was to create the memorable Tableau Dashboard.

Step 1.

Find and read API documentation

Step 2

Bring in the URL into Alteryx

Step 3

Let’s see if all the date can be downloaded at once

Step 4

Join the two tables in one of three ways

  1. Tableau Desktop
  1. Tableau Prep

3, Alteryx

Step 5

Connect to datasource if Join was completed in Tableau Prep or Alteryx. Viz

Step 6

Create a Dashboard

Step 7

Discuss why my dashboard was empty.

Step 8

Reflection - I experience dashboard block, akin to “writer’s block'' with visuals. Maybe performance anxiety or a combination of exhaustion and exhilaration contributed to me being unable to envision a final compelling product. My near empty dashboard elicited a conversation about becoming unstuck.  Create a MVP or minimal viable product with metric boxes and bar charts. Develop a list of questions about the data - essentially a more sophisticated version of who, what, where, when, why, how, and how come as a start.  What story is being conveyed,, Review each chart to determine if visuals are sufficiently effective or can be improved. MOve away from the dashboard by taking a walk or engaging in a different activity. Ask questions and ask for assistance.

Karen D. Hamilton
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