Alteryx: Why is My Batch Macro Not Working?

Macros can be tricky to set up correctly: you need to get a number of settings exactly right. Below are some reasons why your batch macro might not be working.


  1. You’re not running your Macro from another workflow.
  2. You’ve set up your driver program (the second workflow used to run the macro) wrongly. When building a driver program that runs the macro for every entry in a field, you need the macro icon’s top input to be the field you’re looping through, and you need the lower input to be your initial dataset.

  1. Use a summarise tool to group by the loop field for the top input.
  2. You haven’t set the Action tool up correctly. For a batch macro, a Control Parameter is needed to input into the Action tool, then the Action tool must update the field under Operands (see below for an example of using an action to change the value of a filter).

  1. You haven’t updated the Workflow Configuration to Batch Macro. Click anywhere on the canvas, then click on the Workflow tab of the Configuration window. Next, select the Batch Macro option.

  1. You haven’t converted the inputs and outputs to macro inputs and outputs.


I’ve generally found that the problem is step 2, so I’d advise checking that first.

Jeremy Kneebone
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