Dashboard week 4

by Flavio Matos

I wrote this post while listening to this song. 🎧 Hit the play button and enjoy!

The project for day 4 wasn't very complicated, but there were two twists.

  1. For data preparation, we could only use Tableau Prep and must build their workflows in the browser.
  2. Once we've prepared the data, we needed to build a dashboard using only web edit.

The dataset was about candies and how American like - or deslike each treat. I didn't have much problem to clean the data. I got rid of some non relevant fields and grouped the name of the candies - people could type the names in the survey. After that I unioned all the tables and published the flow on Tableau Server.

My first attempt worked. However I realised that I still needed to group more candy names and that's how Tableau Prep Online failed. It's given me the same error and because the time pressure and decided to work with the data I already had.

After using Tableau Desktop in the last month for everything, it felt wierd to use Tableau Online. There's some features that I couldn't find - or maybe it's just not possible to do on Tableau Online. It's not one of my best work but even though I'm happy with the final result.

Logo was downloaded from stickpng.com

One more project to go. I enjoyed to do this one. I hope Tableau improve the online tools in the future.

2 mins read

Thu 23 Mar 2023

Fri 27 Jan 2023

Wed 25 Jan 2023