Here is the challenge:
The task is to link our original sales data with a new quarterly sales target data source an ascertain if Prep Air is meeting its targets. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Bring in the three sheets

Step 2: Union flow and nonflow sets
We split these up in week 1. We want em back together today.

We're back!
Step 3: Correct Class Names as per Week 2
Updating the table with a case statement should do the trick.

Step 4: Aggregate to a monthly level, for each flight class
MONTH([date]) should give us the month number. Use TO_DATE() to convert the date string into a date. GROUP BY to aggregate!

Step 5: Join Sales and Target Data
To do this we need to isolate the first letter of the class field within each data set and carrying out an inner join. The LEFT function is handy here! We'll use this opportunity to get rid of some unwanted fields by leaving them out of our SELECT statement.

Step 6: Calculate Variance to Target and Create Output Table
Just a simple calculated field and a 'CREATE TABLE':

Success! See you in the next one.