How to create a drill down chart using parameter actions in tableau

by Bridget Ama Boateng
  • (Probably one of my favorite graphs to create in tableau)
  • Drill down charts allow you to gain useful insights when looking at multiple things within your data.
  • Allows you to gain deeper insights all within one chart
  • Engaging experience for the user
  • More detail on view without taking up lot's of space

So here's a step by step guide:

  1. Put Category onto Rows and Sales onto columns
  2. Select Entire view
Step 1 and 2 

3. The right click on category to create a set, leaving all categories unti

Step 3

4. Leave all categories untick

Step 4

5. Now you have your category set. Create a calculated field (Always name your calculated fields something sensible so you don't forget!) in this case I've name it 'Category to sub category drill down' this will allow for the drill down action to work.

Step 5

6. Drag the calculated field so 'Category to sub category drill down' on to rows

7. Click onto worksheet >actions > add actions > Change set values

Step 7

8.Now Add Set Action , and the category set as the target set

Step 8
Step 8 Add Set Actions 

9. Now click on a category, to drill down into the sub category to see how much sales each one generates

Step 9 

Finished! Now you have a drill down chart


Bridget Ama Boateng

Fri 08 Mar 2024

Thu 27 Oct 2022

Wed 26 Oct 2022