Nitesh Shrestha

Nitesh is a dedicated individual with a deep passion for data visualization and design. His expertise in this field is complemented by his master's degrees in business administration and primary health care management, which provide him with a diverse and valuable perspective in the world of data. Having relocated to the United States from Nepal in early 2022, Nitesh has gained extensive experience working in various data-related roles, particularly in his country's health and nutrition-related research projects.

Recognizing the immense value of the #datafam community, Nitesh acknowledges the significant impact it has had on his professional growth. Eager to continue learning and contributing to the community, he actively seeks opportunities to expand his knowledge and engage in data visualization challenges. These endeavors fuel his personal growth and enable him to share his insights and expertise with others.

When Nitesh isn't immersed in his work, he cherishes spending quality time with his family. Additionally, he indulges in his passion for video games, enjoys watching Netflix, and relishes the opportunity to unwind with his friends.


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