My First Mapbox Map

In order to add custom layers into Tableau Mapbox proves to be a decidedly useful tool. Especially in comparison to similar tools, Mapbox provides an open-source and free-to-use service!

After having signed up to Mapbox, you will need to follow the 'studio' then 'new styles' section on their website in order to create a new worksheet.

From there you will be met with a number of customisable options, as shown below this is a very intuitive process to fill everyone's mapping needs!

Once chosen, you edit your map preferences to highlight particular geographical features. This can include road signs; road types; mountainous areas and much more. After which, you will be ready to export your map to Tableau!

Click the 'share' button in the top right hand corner of the screen, and then scroll down to the 'Third Party' option of the screen.

Copy the 'Integration URL', and then select the 'Map' section of Tableau's interface (as shown below)

Then click 'background map' and add 'Mapbox Map'!

Enter a name for your map, as a point of reference, copy the URL and you're complete!

Ben Winsey
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