What did it take to get into DS22?

DS22 has begun their training and have done incredibly well so far. We once again have a diverse group, with men and women from all over Europe with an interesting range of educational and work backgrounds.

To get an idea for what it took DS22 to get into The Data School, here is a selection of the visualizations each member of DS22 created for either their first application, their first interview, or their final interview.

Amalia García-Vellido SantíasApplicationTableau Public
Gaia FantiniApplicationTableau Public
Liam WoodApplicationTableau Public
Pat lucasApplicationTableau Public
Patrick DeansApplicationTableau Public
Penny RichmondApplicationTableau Public
Vivien HoApplicationTableau Public
Simon EvansApplicationTableau Public
Tommaso FerriApplicationTableau Public
Sadiya GirachApplicationTableau Public
Andy Kriebel
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