Today Robbin Vernooij took us through our first day as DS41 of using Power BI and Power Query. It takes some adjustment to use after having spent the last couple weeks on Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep.
I just wanted to share some quick thoughts on managing your workflow in Power Query. The screenshot below is from the exercises we were doing today and although not in the same visual flow as tableau prep, It follows a similar logic:

The steps work in a sequential order. You can edit steps by clicking on the cogs on the right. And you can see what a particular step has done by selecting it in the list. It is important to remember that the flow works in sequential order because if you go back and change a step you may impact the work flow further down the line. Another reason to be extremely careful when you are going back in a work flow to make changes is that once you delete a step you cannot get it back!
A quick tip to recover steps that you are deleting is to copy the 'M Code' in the formula bar shown below. Having the code copied means that you can recreate steps by pasting it back in to the formula bar.