When you make it to the final interviews, there are four possible outcomes, three of which are positive:
- You get offered a spot in the cohort you are interviewing for.
- You get offered a spot in a future cohort.
- You get asked back for the final interviews for the next cohort.
- You are able to apply again, but keep in mind we expect to see improvement in your Tableau Public profile if/when you choose to re-apply. Makeover Monday is a great way to get our attention and to quickly build up that portfolio of continuous improvement.
DS20 was a mix of all four of these scenarios. So, if you don’t get in the first time, you very well may get in the next time, as many others already have. Getting into the Data School isn’t all about creating a great viz, the interpersonal interview is critically important as well. You’re going to be a consultant after all.
Let’s take a look at what it took to get into DS20.

Erica Hughes

Liam Hollan

Luke Donovan

Micol Bedarida

Gordon Hack

Janasobini Vetharuban

Brandon Fitz-Gerald